TPL Bonnie (Belle) x TPL Foxtrot to Freedom! Redleg’s Tango Fox Reds
Born June 17th.
Toy Story 2019!
Buzz Lightyear- boy
Little Bo Peep- girl
Woody- boy
T. Rex- boy
Barbie (our little fighter!)- girl
Hamm- boy
Jesse- girl
Sarge- boy
Andy- boy

TPL Bonnie (Belle) x TPL Foxtrot to Freedom! Redleg’s Tango Fox Reds
Born June 17th.
Toy Story 2019!
Buzz Lightyear- boy
Little Bo Peep- girl
Woody- boy
T. Rex- boy
Barbie (our little fighter!)- girl
Hamm- boy
Jesse- girl
Sarge- boy
Andy- boy